You are what you
remember, not what you experience.
At least according
to Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Laureate and author of last year's outstanding book -
Thinking, Fast and Slow.
This partly came to
light when he conducted a study on people undergoing colonoscopies.
The first group
underwent shorter procedures, and the second group longer ones.
When asked to rate
the total amount of pain they had experienced (this was before colonoscopies
were routinely accompanied by anaesthetics), surprisingly the first group
recorded a worse experience.
How could this be if
they experienced significantly less time under procedural duress?
The answer lies in
the fact that we function under the tyranny of the remembering mind, not the
experiencing one.
The remembering mind
operates with the two key principles: the peak-end
rule and duration neglect.
The peak-end rule is
the principle that the total pain experienced is an average of the worst or
peak level of pain and the pain experienced at the end.
Duration neglect is
the unimportance of the length of the procedure to the total amount of pain
While the first
group had shorter amounts of pain, this was irrelevant to their memory of it.
Indeed, while the
second group had longer amounts of pain and the same peaks as the first group,
significantly, the pain they experienced at the end of the colonoscopy was less
than that of the first group, thereby lowering their average remembered pain,
in accordance with the peak-end rule.
These findings and
the principles they evinced have been proved time again, but do they have any
relevance in the classroom?
Kahneman suggests
that inflicting longer procedures on patients might actually be beneficial if
it makes them remember less pain and therefore more likely to come back for
treatment and check-ups.
While I wouldn't
want to compare language lessons to colonoscopies, everyone has some learners
who lack enthusiasm, or get put off by certain aspects of language learning,
such as writing, or participle clauses.
To ensure that they
remember writing or participle clauses with a degree of affection, it might be
worthwhile making the last five minutes of the lesson particularly enjoyable.
Warm-up activities
are perennially popular, but warm-downs or coolers are less so.
What Kahneman's work
suggests is that they are actually more important for the long-term enthusiasm
of your learners, and therefore the success with which they learn the language.
(Image: Healblog)
(Image: Healblog)
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